Practices submitting data for the National KPI report will need to extract additional patients to meet the population base required for the report. The report requires that all patients who have visited the practice in the last 2 years should be included. This definition includes archived and deceased patients.
The Medical Director and Best Practice preference tabs now include a new option 'Extract Archived and Deceased Patients' which can be set to 'Yes' to enable this functionality. The default selection will be set to 'No'. Communicare data includes deceased and archived patients as well as transient and banned patients – the settings on the 'Patient Status' filter allow for these patients to be identified but they are excluded from standard CAT4 reports by default.
For practices where this set to 'No' there will be no change to the way CAT4 functions.
For practices where this set to 'Yes' the default population loaded will exclude patients that are archived and deceased through the default settings of the 'Patient Status' filter, enabling practices to continue working with CAT4 in the same way they always have. The NKPI Report will include the additional patients and this will be noted at the top of the report. (Note for the 30th June 2012 collection deceased patients will not be included in the report to align the figures reported with Communicare. Not all Communicare users will have been upgraded to extract deceased patients.)