CAT4 provides easy access to reporting relating to patients that have osteoporosis risk factors and gives the users a simple list of patients at risk and all of their available risk factors in one report. This report can be filtered further or downloaded to use for recall lists, reporting or further analysis.

The report will apply the following default filter requirements when populating the list of patients.


Users can add other filters to further narrow down the patients shown in the report by using the standard CAT4 filters. More details on how to filter data can be found here: DATA FILTERING

Information on the data mapping can be found here: REFRAME Data Mapping

The report can be accessed by licensed users only by using the 'Programs' icon in the dashboard. The dashboard programs icon will be active for users participating in any particular program and greyed out for all others.

A click on the programs icon will open the programs window which will show all programs the user is licensed for, in the example below the Amgen REFRAME program.

Clicking on the program icon will open CAT4 and show the relevant report called REFRAME Osteoporosis.

This will open CAT4 with the REFRAME Osteoporosis report tab open. The report applies a filter with the following criteria:


In addition to the report tab, a new filter tab will be available when the REFRAME program is selected. This new filter tab is under the Programs heading and is called 'REFRAME Osteoporosis'. It allows you to filter for patients with lapsed osteoporosis medication (>12mths <5yrs) in addition to the report criteria described above.

The following columns will be displayed within the report and populated if the data is stored within the patients recorded in a coded format. Columns listed below are in order and displayed from left to right within the report.


Column Name

Display value or format



Patients full surname


First name

Patient full first name



F or M

4AgeAge in Years


>=70yrs and no DXA or >2yrs since last DXA

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Experienced a fracture since age of 50

Y or blank (nothing displayed)



Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Minimum Trauma Fracture

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Received bone active medication in the last 5yrs

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Glucocorticoid drug class >7.5mg per day for >3 months

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


BMI <20

Y or blank (nothing displayed)



Y or blank (nothing displayed)



Smoking status from the clinical system or blank


Coeliac Disease

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Previous treatment with aromatase inhibitor drug class

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


History of poor calcium intake

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


History of low vitamin D

Y or blank (nothing displayed)


Inflammatory conditions associated with bone loss

Y or blank (nothing displayed)



Please see below for details on this indicator


Diagnosis Sarcopenia

Y or blank (nothing displayed)

22>=70yrs and no DXA or >5yrs since last DXAY or blank (nothing displayed)
23Lapsed Osteoporosis medication >12mths and <5yrsY or blank (nothing displayed)

CKD displays stages of CKD (indicated or diagnosed) as well as likelihood of the indication based on the extracted pathology

  • Indicated Staging of CKD
  • Color code for the Clinical Action Plan to manage CKD

Patients on dialysis are displayed as 'level 5' CKD.

For this report CAT will ignore any diagnosis of Kidney disease and the displayed indicated stages are purely based on the
eGFR and ACR results in the patient record.

Colour codes and their meaning:

•Clinical Action Plan to be monitored 1-3 monthly

•Clinical Action Plan to be monitored 3-6 monthly

•Clinical Action Plan to be monitored 12 monthly

For more information refer to Kidney Health Australia web site and the CKD Guideline Booklet available at
Detection of CKD requires follow up testing once an abnormal result is recorded. The outcome of 3 tests over a 3 month
period will inform a diagnosis. CAT4 is only using the most recent eGFR and ACR, not the last 3 results. This will

•inform a diagnosis if 3 tests have been done or
•flag that a patient should be recalled for follow up testing if there are not 3 results in the Patient Record.

For full details on the CKD stage calculation please see here:

The following functionality found also within the Cleansing CAT reports will be made available and functional within the REFRAME – Osteoporosis report:

The Export button will provide all information displayed in the report to save as Excel, PDF or MS Word file: