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Recipe Name

View in the map the aggregated population of patients aged 65 and over who have not had Influenza immunisation recorded.


Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious viral infection that spreads easily from person to person. Annual vaccination is the best way of preventing the flu and any associated illness.

The flu vaccine is recommended for everyone from six months of age, but is available for free under the National Immunisation Program for people who face a high risk from influenza and its complications. In this recipe we will focus on the people aged 65 years and over who have not had Influenza immunisation recorded.



Areas in your PHN or organisation or practice with the most number of patients aged 65 years and over who have not had Influenza immunisation recorded that can be targeted for improvement on the implementation of National Immunisation Program for seasonal flu vaccine.

PAT CAT Starting Point

  1. You are logged in to your organisation's PAT CAT.
  2. Population extract loaded and extract pane 'hidden'.
  3. Optional Only (star): Filter Pane Open and under the 'General' tab, "Active (3x < 2 years)" selected.

    *The decision to select either "Active" or "All" patient is left to the practice to make.

Aggregated population of children with overdue immunisations:

  1. In Filters pane
    1. Select General tab.
    2. Enter '65' in the Start Age box under Age. Ensure that Yrs radio button is selected.

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  1. Click Recalculate.
  2. Click Hide Filters.
  3. In Reports pane
    1. Select Immunisations tab.
    2. Click Influenza tab.
    3. Click View Map.

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  1. In View Map window
    1. In the left section you can select the Region Settings, filter your Aggregated Data, and can see the range of the population under Legend.

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Note: Click here for more information on View Map window.

    1. Under Region Settings then Region Type select 'ABS 2011 Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2)', the lowest level of Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) structure for which estimated resident population, health and vitals and other non-census ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) data are generally available.

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Note: Click here for more information on Region Type.

    1. Under Aggregated Data click Nothing Recorded* then select the PHN or other organisation (indicated by your organisation's name) or the individual practice (indicated by the Practice ID). We will select Demo PHN for the purpose of this recipe.

You can also select any of the other headings under *Aggregated Data to see the population of patients who have not had Influenza immunisation for the current/previous years. Please note that this report refers to calendar years to enable reporting for the current influenza season.

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Note: If you are logged on as a practice, you will only see drop downs relating to the entire PHN or other organisation and the practice which you have logged on as.

    1. The Legend is updated to show the colour coded population group.

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    1. The map then displays the aggregated population of patients aged 65 years and over who do not have recorded Influenza immunisation for Demo PHN area. Notice that the darker coloured sections of the map indicate a greater population.

Note: Or if you selected Previous Year or Prior to Previous Year the map will display the aggregated population of patients aged 65 years and over who do not have not had Influenza immunisation for the current year for Demo PHN area.

    1. Hovering your mouse pointer over a map segment or colour coded section of the map allows you to see the exact Aggregated data count for that segment.

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Note: PAT CAT will not display patients in an area where the number drops below.
You can interact with the map:

  • Click and drag to move the map.
  • Click the + and – to zoom in and out.
  • Click the Change Basemap symbol Image Added to cycle through a range of map types, displaying satellite images, roads, etc.
  • The house Image Added symbol will bring you to the default Sydney area.