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CAT Plus uses a number of terms that are explained in the table below
Term | Description |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACR | Microalbumin Creatinine Ratio |
Active patient | A patient with at least three visits in the last two years |
Adjusted Population | In all numerical reports in PAT CAT we display the total number and another column called 'Adjusted'. Please refer to the 'viewing report data' chapter for more details |
ANU | Australian National University |
APCC | Australian Primary Care Collaboratives |
ATSI | Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BP | Best Practice Clinical Desktop System |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BP | Best Practice |
BSLF | Blood Sugar Level (Fasting) – more commonly called FBG |
CAT | PCS Clinical Audit Tool® |
CAT | Clinical Audit Tool |
CAT4 | Clinical Audit Tool |
CHD | Coronary Heart Disease |
CKD | Chronic Kidney Disease |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CV | Cardiovascular |
CVD | Cardiovascular Disease |
DoH | Department of Health |
DoHA | Department of Health and Ageing |
DVA | Department Veteran Affairs |
eGFR | Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate |
FBG | Fasting Blood Glucose |
Geocode | The process of converting a location/address into a coordinate that then translates to an area type (e.g. SA1) |
GP | General Practitioner |
GRAPHC | National Centre for Geographic & Resource Analysis in Primary Health Care |
GTAG | GRAPHC – Tag (a dedicated globally unique identifier) |
HbA1c | Haemoglobin A1c |
HCN | Health Communication Network Ltd |
HDL | High-density Lipoproteins |
Help Desk | Pen CS Help Desk |
HMR | Home Medicine Review |
IF | Improvement Foundation |
LDL | Low-density Lipoprotein |
MBS | Medicare Benefits Schedule |
MD | Medical Director Clinical Desktop System, developed by HCN |
MD | Medical Director |
NEHTA | National E-Health Transition Authority |
NPCC | National Primary Care Collaboratives |
NPCC | National Primary Care Collaborative |
NPI | National Performance Indicators |
NVDPA | National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance |
Org | PHN or other organisation |
Organisation | PHN or other organisation |
PCEHR | Personally Controlled eHealth Record |
PEN CS | Pen CS Pty Ltd |
Pen CS | Pen Computer Systems |
QAIHC | Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council |
QRG | Quick Reference Guide |
RACGP | Royal Australian College of General Practitioners |
SA | Statistical Area |
SHS | Shared Health Summary as part of PCEHR |
SIP | Service Incentive Payment |
Topbar | A software tool for general practitioners by PCS |
Transient | A patient that has visited at least 2 clinics in the organisation's catchment where both clinics have uploaded patient data. |
Unique | A patient that has only been uploaded from one clinic in the organisation's catchment |
Table: Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations