Versions Compared


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For all pathology reports the same options to view the data as for the other reports are available:

Pathology > Lipids displays your data as a breakdown of:

  • Cholesterol: <4.0, >4.0 and <=5.5, >5.5 and <=6.5, >6.5 and <=7.5, >7.5, No Cholesterol Recorded.


The data is displayed as a pie chart.
Anchor_Toc365562412_Toc365562412 Anchor_Toc384030315_Toc384030315HBA1c
Pathology > HBA1c displays your data as a breakdown of HBA1c status: <=7%, >7% and <=8%, >8% and <10%, >=10%, No HBA1c Recorded. The data is displayed as a pie chart.

% ranges

Mmol/mol ranges

>=6% and <= 6.5%=>42 and <=48

>6.5% and <=7

 >48 and <=53

>7 and <=8

>53, <=64

>8 and < 10

>64, <86

>= 10


not recorded

NOTE: The reporting of HbA1c units changed in 2012/13. Refer to page 6 of the guidelines for Diabetes Management available at
The units will change to be reported in mmol/mol rather than %. The conversion from the old to the new units is as follows:
HbA1c (mmol/mol) = 20 + 11(A1c% - 4)
CAT will continue to report in % for the moment. Where results are received in mmol/mol a conversion will be done back to % using the formula above. Any result received with a value >=20 will be assumed to be in the new units and will be converted.  
Fasting Blood Glucose displays your data as a breakdown of FBG status: <5.5%, 5.5 – 7.0, > 7.0%, No FBG
Random Blood Glucose displays your data as a breakdown of RBG status: <7.8%, 7.8 – 11.2, > 11.2%, No RBG Recorded.
The data is displayed as a pie chart.
International Normalised Ratio - INR displays your data as a breakdown of INR status: <1.5, 1.5-2.0, 2.0-3.0, 3.0-4.0, >4.0,No INR Recorded. The data is displayed as a pie chart.
Creatinine Serum
Creatinine Serum status displays your data as a breakdown of the following measurements: <45, >= 45 and < 60, >=60 and <90, >90 and <= 110, > 110, No Creatinine Serum Recorded. The data is displayed as a pie chart
For all Pathology Reports, clicking on View Report will open a sub-set of the Benchmark Report to show data specific to the Pathology type.
Clicking on View Map will allow for pathology information to be mapped, functions are the same as described for View Map Function (Section 9).