Page History
CVD Risk Calculation
The top left section of the home page houses the patient details required for the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk calculation.
Once consent has been provided by both health care provider and patient, these details will pre-fill from the opened Clinical Information Software (CIS) and patient clinical file.
List of Relevant Pre-Existing Conditions
This section is a static list of pre-existing conditions that form the majority of the third risk criteria, this is in the app for quick reference by the user.
Active Patient Diagnoses
This section is a dynamic list of diagnoses as per the selected patient's clinical file. This section should always show the active conditions a patient has in their file.
AUSDRISK Calculation
The final section on the left panel of the app home page is reserved for the AUSDRISK calculation. This is of course the Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool, and is comprised of a shot list of questions to assess the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the next 5 years.
Where the information is available within the CIS it will be pulled into and pre-filled in the app.
CVD Risk Score
The middle panel shows both CVD and AUSDRISK calculated risk scores. The CVD risk score is calculated as per the Australian Absolute Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator. It determines the patients risk as an individual of getting CVD.
The risk score visualized here in this section shows less than 10% as low risk, 10-15% as moderate risk, and 15% and above as high risk of developing CVD within the next 5 years.
The next section in this middle panel is reserved for risk score in relation to Type 2 diabetes as measured by AUSDRISK. This measure uses a combination of age, ethnicity, waist circumference and physical activity to develop a 5 year risk score for developing diabetes.
The scoring system for AUSDRISK is as follows; score of 5 or less is considered low risk (1/100 develop diabetes); 6-11 intermediate risk (1/50 develop diabetes) and; 12 and over as high risk (1/14 develop diabetes).
Dynamic Intervention Options
The final section of the app begins with some intervention options that dynamically interact with the medication and lifestyle recommendations section below it.
The app will allow the selection of one or multiple of the above intervention options to promote health related discussions between health provider and patient and exemplify the outcomes of this interventions on the patients health should they be followed.
Medication & Lifestyle Recommendations
The Medication and Lifestyle recommendations are based on the health interventions chosen by the provider/user. If no interventions are chosen, this section will remain blank. With each new intervention selected a new action item will populate.
For example, should a patient who smokes agree to try and quit, the provider would toggle on the "Stop Smoking" button, which will both adjust the risk score for the patient, and provide recommendations for the patient.
Under lifestyle it may suggest providing advice and pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation support.
While, under medication it would advise it's not necessarily widely recommended and may populate a reminder about withdrawal therapy for people who make profound lifestyle changes.