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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Disease Mappings with clinical systems user-529d4 30 Apr, 2019
Page: Disease Visit Count user-529d4 07 Jun, 2017
Page: DOWNLOAD CAT USER GUIDES AS PDF Pen CS Internal 21 Feb, 2023
Page: eGFR (Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) user-529d4 15 Jan, 2016
Page: eHealth Report user-529d4 27 Jan, 2016
Page: Episode Count user-529d4 05 Jul, 2017
Page: Ethnicity user-529d4 11 Apr, 2017
Page: Ethnicity Filtering user-529d4 20 Feb, 2017
Page: Event Summary Uploads and ES by Age user-529d4 15 Nov, 2016
Page: Existing data set compatibility with changes to CAT user-529d4 15 Jan, 2016
Page: Export Data File user-529d4 15 Jan, 2016
Page: Exporting and Printing Reports user-529d4 16 Mar, 2017
Page: FBG (Fasting Blood Glucose) user-529d4 03 Jul, 2018
Page: Filter options for Multi-Location Practices user-529d4 19 Jan, 2022
Page: Find high risk patients eligible for My Health For Life Pen CS Internal 03 Jun, 2022
Page: Find indigenous patients eligible for My Health For Life Pen CS Internal 02 Jun, 2022
Page: Find patients eligible for My Health For Life with high CV Event risk Pen CS Internal 03 Jun, 2022
Page: Find patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia eligible for My Health For Life Pen CS Internal 03 Jun, 2022
Page: Find patients with high blood pressure eligible for My Health For Life Pen CS Internal 16 Jun, 2022
Page: Find patients with high cholesterol eligible for My Health For Life Pen CS Internal 03 Jun, 2022
Page: FOBT user-529d4 22 Mar, 2021
Page: General tab - Demographics user-529d4 13 Apr, 2021
Page: Genie Collection by Location user-529d4 14 Oct, 2019
Page: Genie Requirements user-529d4 10 Nov, 2020
Page: Getting Started user-529d4 02 Feb, 2022
Page: GoShare Plus user-529d4 27 Apr, 2020
Page: GoShare Plus Guide user-529d4 27 Feb, 2020
Page: HBA1c user-529d4 08 Dec, 2020
Page: Health Care Homes CAT4 Enrolment user-529d4 05 Dec, 2017
Page: Health Care Homes CAT4 Management user-529d4 01 May, 2018
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