Conditions are divided into 3 tabs.

Conditions – Chronic

Conditions included in Chronic are: 


Conditions – Mental Health

Conditions included in Mental Health are:


Conditions – Other

Conditions included in Other are:

Selecting Conditions by ticking the boxes will limit your data to look at only patients that match all the conditions ticked:

You can select to filter by patients that

If you tick one of the main condition headings (bolded) the sub-heading selections will not be available and all patients matching any of the conditions listed below will be selected. This is an OR search, as opposed to selecting each condition separately which will result in an AND search.

In some filters there is a heading in italics and underlined , for example the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Bone Disease in the screenshot above. Selecting this heading will create a filter for patients with any of the specific conditions listed below, in the case of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)  it will include patients with any of the conditions CHC, Stroke, MI, PVD, Carotid Stenosis and Renal Artery Stenosis. This is an OR search, meaning that all patients with at least one of the listed conditions will be shown.