This tab displays indicated diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease, COPD, Diabetes and Mental Health based on the clinical information in the patient record in the GP application. The algorithms used are the same as in the Cleansing View of CAT4 and the two applications can be linked to provide further functionality. Please see the next chapter for more information on how to link Topbar to CAT4.
These prompts are based on test results, current prescriptions and other indicators. Items that require actions are displayed on top and existing diagnosis at the bottom of the screen. Both can be hidden or displayed by clicking the hide/display link.
In our example we have a patient with indicated Mental Health – as displayed below:

Under the 'Current Diagnosis' Topbar shows all current entries in the patients record and if they are coded or free text. This is an easy guide to where possible problems could originate from.

Topbar allows the user to jump to the relevant field in the GP desktop application by clicking on the  link on the screen. For the indicated condition clicking on the item name will expand the item to show the rationale of the prompt, and then give the user the option to jump to the 'past history' window in the GP application by using the 'Edit in Clinical System' button:

In our example a click on the link will open the past history screen in Medical Director and allow for immediate entry of the missing data:

From the expanded item and the overview the user can also confirm that the indicated diagnosis doesn't exist. This will remove the notification for this patient for all Topbar users in the clinic and move it to the 'Reviewed' section at the bottom of the tab. From here the prompt can be reinstated by clicking on the 'reinstate' button.