This functionality has been developed for use by services that are using one database for a number of locations (or programs) and require a method of extracting data for those separate locations. Communicare is often used in a multi-site setup and normally doesn't have to be configured for this functionality to work. The CAT Extractor built by Communicare has always supported extraction by location, either a combined extract or one for each location:

From V4.8 and higher CAT4 can now use a scheduled collection for multi-site services using Communicare. To configure CAT4 for this new functionality some steps need to be followed:

Now that you know the Locality IDs you can use these in the CAT4 settings to save your preferences for the next collection and, more importantly, for a scheduled collection. Click on Edit/Preferences:

Then click on the Communicare tab and enter your individual location IDs:

CAT4 will now use the settings as configured for all future manual or scheduled collections. If you add ALL (capitals only!) then in my example a fourth extract would be created, combining the three locations into one.