If practices have uploaded data in the current PIP QI quarter before they have registered for PIP QI or before their enrolment has been flagged in PAT CAT, their status will be listed as 'Has Submitted and is not PIP Compliant'. This status will not change even after the 'Enrolled to PIP QI' box has been ticked as detailed here new_Enrol Practices in PIP QI.

For this functionality to be available, you need to be in the PIP QI view of PAT CAT - check the PAT PIP QI Essentials Guide for full details.

To make it easier to update the report on PIP QI Submission, PAT CAT has a 'Missing Compliant Extracts' functionality that allows a PHN user to select all practices and their extracts at once and mark them as PIP QI compliant. To do this follow the steps below:

Click on Support/Settings:

Then select 'Data Management/Missing Compliant Extracts':

The extracts are colour coded as detailed on the screenshot above:

green = compliant, no action required

orange = non compliant, was received during the currently selected quarter but the practice was not marked as enrolled in PIP QI when the extract was received

grey = the extract was not received during the currently selected quarter and can't be made compliant as it wasn't uploaded in the specified time

This utility will allow you to select individual extracts, individual practices or all practices and their extracts and then mark the selected extracts as PIP compliant. This screen will only show practices that are marked as enrolled in the PIP QI and the extract compliance is related to the Submission quarter.