To flag practices that are enrolled in PIP QI, you need to be in the PIP QI view - please see here for details: PAT PIP QI Essentials Guide

Then click on the 'Practices' menu item:

This will show you a list of all licensed practices in your catchment with a number of options relating to PIP QI. Please note that you can only do the following steps after you have switched to the PIP QI view, as the options are not available in the standard PAT CAT view.

To flag a practice as enrolled or to update details, click on the practice name:

In the 'Edit Practice' window you can add details such as email contact details for the practice (important for the email notifications shown here: new_PIP QI Email Notifications) and, most importantly, flag a practice as enrolled in PIP QI.

Here is a full list of the fields: