Best Practice Software data extract requires one of the following options be configured:

  1. A database browser password is configured. This password is set in Best Practice and must be entered in the Clinical Audit Tool 4 Preferences.
  2. From v1.8.2.580 an alternative to setting up the Database Browser Password is to simply tick the 'External data access' Clinical, Billing and Appointments checkboxes and then in your CAT4 Best Practice preferences leave the password blank.

In Best Practice:
Select Setup > Configuration from the top menu bar.


Image 1: BP Configuration

Select the 'Database' option from the left hand tool bar

Option 1: Set the database browser password

NOTE: If a password has been configured and you do not know what it is you will need to contact Best Practice Support for assistance to reset the password.


Image 2: BP Database Browser Password

Option 2: Tick ALL the 'External data access' checkboxes and Save


Image 3: BP External Data Access

In Clinical Audit:

Refer to the section in this document 'Setting Your Preferences'.