CAT4 recipes are designed to give new and experienced users a simple step by step guide to a particular problem or question. We will be adding new recipes on request, so please feel free to contact with any suggestions.

All recipes produce a list of patients based on your search/filter and reporting criteria. These lists of patients can be exported to a spreadsheet or other format to use in the practice.

Since May 2016 the new CAT Plus Prompt functionality allows practices who are using Topbar as well as CAT4 to create prompts in CAT4 for patients meeting filter and/or report criteria. The full CAT Plus Prompt guide is available here and there is a short guide on how to create prompts in CAT4


The steps to create a prompt apply to all recipes in this section and won't be described in full in each recipe.


Improve Quality of Care for your Patients

Identify Patients at Risk

Maximise Business Potential