Recipe Name:

Increase adult smoking, alcohol, and physical activity status for patients with type II diabetes recorded in clinical software to 75%.


Risk factors such as smoking, drinking and low physical activity contribute to complications for patients with diabetes. Measuring and recording these risk factors will provide opportunity for intervention by clinical staff and data to identify patients at high risk


All patients with type II diabetes

CAT Starting Point:

  1. CAT Open - CAT4 view (all reports) loaded
  2. Population Extract Loaded and Extract Pane “Hidden”
    1. Filter Pane open

This recipe will help you to find the smoking, alcohol and physical activity status of your patients with diabetes type II. The reports shown here will help you to see if you are making a difference and increase the recording of the risk factors. Topbar provides prompts through the data cleansing app that will be displayed to the clinicians in the consult room as each patient visits the clinic.

Filter Steps

On the Conditions/Chronic filter tab, select "Diabetes Type II" and then click on the recalculate icon.

Report Steps

To check the smoking, alcohol and physical activity status, you need to check the relevant report tabs. You can switch the view from numbers to percentage in the top left corner of each report.


Click on the 'Smoking' tab in the reports section to see the numbers/percentages of patients with a smoking status recorded. As we have applied a filter for Type II diabetes, only those patients will be listed in the report.

A double click on the 'Nothing Recorded' part of the graph or the legend will display the details of the patients. Topbar prompts for missing smoking status in the data cleansing app when a patient is in the consult room as a reminder for clinicians to check the smoking status.


Click on the 'Alcohol' tab in the reports section to see the numbers/percentages of patients with an alcohol status recorded. As we have applied a filter for Type II diabetes, only those patients will be listed in the report.

A double click on the 'Nothing Recorded' part of the graph or the legend will display the details of the patients. Topbar prompts for missing alcohol status in the data cleansing app when a patient is in the consult room as a reminder for clinicians to check the smoking status.

Physical Activity

Click on the "Measures/Physical Activity" tab in the reports section to see the numbers/percentages of patients with a smoking status recorded. As we have applied a filter for Type II diabetes, only those patients will be listed in the report.

Please note that for BP users the physical activity is only saved in your clinical system if you print a 'prescription' for physical activity!