The MBS Attendance filter allows you to find patients who had a particular MBS item or a group of items claimed (or not claimed) in a specific time period. This filter will be useful to find patients who are in a residential age care facility and you want to exclude them from your CAT4 reports or for example to check for patients who had a GPMP claimed but no review.

This filter can be combined with all other filters in CAT4 and can also be used to create custom CAT Plus Promps for Topbar. To find out more about CAT Plus Prompts please go here: CAT PLUS PROMPTS IN CAT4

To apply a MBS Attendance Filter you can select your date range on the left and then use either the categories like RACF or use individual MBS items. The list of MBS items will show any item claimed at your clinic. If you are loading an older extract, this filter will be greyed out and not operational, until you collect a new dataset with the latest version of CAT4.

By selecting the 'No' option, you are excluding patients with a specific item or group of items claimed at your practice. Selecting the category or item number will only show patients who had the item(s) claimed at your practice.

This filter, in combination with other filters and reports will enable you to find the group of patients of interest and the filter can be used for patient management as well as practice business management.