To use GoShare Plus you need to be licensed and have credits in your GoShare account. Please contact Healthily on 03 9534 7222 or visit

This guide will show you how to use CAT4 to identify patients you want to target with your campaign and how to send messages to those patients.

Preparing CAT4

Open CAT – click CAT4 view

You are now ready to filter for patients eligible for your GoShare Plus activity.

Create your patient list using CAT4

Follow a CAT 4 recipe or use your own filters to create your patient list.
Click on the area of the pie chart or column in the bar chart with the relevant patients for your activity (eg. the patients that have not been screened or vaccinated). Click export or double click to create the Reidentify Report.
The Reidentify Patient report will show a list of your patients and will give you access to the GoShare Plus icon.

Setting up the GoShare Plus information bundle

Once the list of eligible patients has been generated, click the GoShare Plus icon.
If the icon is greyed out or doesn't respond when clicked, contact Healthily on 03 9534 7222 or email

NOTE: The list of patients will now be reduced to those who have a mobile phone number listed in your Practice software.


If the Bundle is not visible, contact Healthily on 03 9534 7222 or email

        1. Patient First Name substitution is correct.
        2. Your Practice Name is correct.
        3. Practice Phone number is correct.
        4. Tap the link in the SMS to ensure the link works and that the correct bundle has been included.

If there are any problems with the test SMS, contact Healthily 03 9534 7222 or email

Using GoShare Plus – sending the information bundle to selected patients

Note: if "Send" button is greyed out, ensure you have a) selected a bundle, and b) entered an Activity Name.

If all is OK, click "Yes"
A notification will pop up when the bundle is being sent.

Prompts Menu - Checking status of SMS bundles sent