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The RACGP Quality Improvement & Continuing Professional Development (QI&CPD) triennium commenced 1 January 2017. The first activity in the QI&CPD program is the PLAN Quality improvement activity which is an acronym for ‘planning, learning and need’.

To access the reports relevant to the activities, CAT4 provides a new program under the

Within the PLAN activity, the GP must complete the Practice Profile and Self-Reflection questions which are listed below:

  1. Think about your patient age groups compared to the Australian average

Question: Out of every 100 patients you see, on average, how many do you see whose ages are?




  1. Think about the cultural and ethnic groups you commonly see in your practice.  The classification used is according to the Australian standard classification of cultural and ethnic groups (ASCCEG) 1249.0.


Question: Enter between 3 and 10 cultural/ethnic groups that have an impact on your practice



  1. Think about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients in your practice compared to the Australian average


Question: What percentage of your total patient base are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?



  1. Think about the number of new patients you would see in an average week


Question: How many new patients would you see for every 100

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