Page History
Item | Column Name | Display value or format |
1 | Surname | Patients full surname |
2 | First name | Patient full first name |
3 | Age | Age in Years |
4 | Sex | F or M |
5 | Provider | regular GP, based on visits in last 18 months |
5 | DEXA | Date of last DEXA or blank (nothing displayed) |
7 | Osteoporosis Diagnosis | Date of diagnosis or blank (nothing displayed) |
8 | Fracture Type | |
9 | Fracture Date | |
10 | Osteoporosis Medication | Type of Medication or blank (nothing displayed) |
11 | Osteoporosis Medication Date | Last prescribing date or blank (nothing displayed) |
12 | GPMP | Date of last GP Management Plan or blank |
13 | >75/s HA | Date of last Health Assessment claim or blank |
14 | Recalled | custom field for user entries |
15 | Attended Appointment | custom field for user entries |
16 | Notes | custom field for user entries |