The rollout of the vaccine has commenced and the recipes below can be used to identify your patients at risk. Please note that the current reports and filters in CAT4 are not 100% aligned with the priority groups. We are releasing an update to CAT4 and Topbar this month (March 2021) with reports showing all patients at high and moderate risk based on the Department of Health advice detailed here:

Who is at high risk of severe illness

You are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 if you:

Who is at moderate risk of severe illness

You are at moderate risk of severe illness from COVID-19 if you have:

The advice lists people at high and moderate risk, both groups are combined in the roll-out below under 'Adults with underlying medical conditions'

Phase 1b 

Elderly adults aged 80 years and over

Elderly adults aged 70-79 years

Other health care workers

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people > 55

Adults with an underlying medical condition, including those with a disability

*People will need to provide proof of these conditions to demonstrate their eligibility for vaccination via My health record, a health professional referral if required or a declaration form.

Critical and high risk workers including defence, police, fire, emergency services and meat processing

* Workers will need to provide proof of occupation to demonstrate their eligibility.

Number of dosesup to 14.8m
Phase 2a 

Adults aged 60-69 years

Adults aged 50-59 years

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 18-54

Other critical and high risk workers

The recipes below will allow you to find most of the at risk patients, but once the update is released you will be able to use one simple report to identify those patients as well as their immunisation status.

Additional filters can be added to make the recipes more specific, for example only those patients who have visited in the last 12 months or only active (three visits in two years) patients. Full details on the available filters can be found here: DATA FILTERING

List of recipes: