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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Palliative Care Recipes user-529d4 26 Nov, 2020
Page: Patients 27 and older with a previously recorded Pap/CST who are due to return to cervical screening in the next three months user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients aged 52 – 74 with a previously recorded mammogram in the last 24-27 mths who are eligible and due for breast screening in the next 3 months user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients due to return to all three screening program in the next three months user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients eligible for BreastScreen aged 50 years and 4 months or older user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients eligible for cervical screening aged 25 years and 4 months user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients eligible for the NBCSP aged 50 years and 4 months or older user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients eligible for the NBCSP, with a FOBT recorded in the previous 27 months and an even numbered birthday in the next 3 months user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients taking Glucocorticoids who are smokers user-529d4 08 Apr, 2021
Page: Patients turning 50 in the next three months eligible for bowel and/or breast screen user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients who have never been screened or are overdue to screen for more than one screening program user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients who turned 25 in the last three months eligible for cervical screening user-529d4 16 Mar, 2021
Page: Patients with respiratory conditions and no smoking status recorded user-529d4 08 Apr, 2021
Page: PIP QI Improvement Measures user-529d4 09 Dec, 2020